Sunday 24 July 2011

Amy's Mom speaks, "Her death was only a matter of time"

Well if you knew this you should have FORCED her and FORCED her to get better. Why were you waiting for her death like it was inevitable!!! This is frustrating to me!


Amy Winehouse's mother Janis has said that she predicted her daughter's death when they met just 24 hours earlier.

The pair spent the day together on Friday, but Janis suspected that it was "only a matter of time" before Amy died due to her behavior.

The Mail on Sunday quotes her as saying: "She seemed out of it. But her passing so suddenly still hasn't hit me." Janis went on to describe her final exchange with her daughter as they parted on Friday. When they kissed goodbye on the doorstep, Amy said: "I love you, Mom."

"They are the words I will always treasure and always remember Amy by," Janis added.

In an interview in 2008, Janis admitted that she was aware of Amy's problems, saying: "I realize my daughter could be dead within the year. We're watching her kill herself, slowly. I've already come to terms with her dead.I've steeled myself to ask her what ground she wants to be buried in, which cemetery. Because the drugs will get her if she stays on this road."

Meanwhile, the owner of Amy's favorite pub The Hawley Arms in Camden paid tribute to the late singer, calling her "a special person with a good soul".

The latest tabloid reports suggest that Amy had bought a cocktail of drugs on Friday night and was devastated by her break-up with on-off boyfriend Reg Traviss.


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