Monday 18 July 2011

Lady Gaga denys she copied Bette Midler

Hmmm not sure how we feel about this. I mean she claims shes a huge fan but then how on this earth could she miss that she is original wheel chair mermaid! Gaga says “I had no idea that she did that and I’m a huge Bette Midler fan,”

When Billy asked Gaga if her routine was meant to be a tribute to Bette, the singer said it wasn’t originally, as she had no knowledge of the legend’s act, but she’s glad they have something in common.

“Not in the beginning it wasn’t ‘cause I didn’t know that she’d done [it], but I do now and I think it’s great,” Gaga said. “Obviously I feel connected to women in theater and women from the past.

“Maybe we’re just cut from the same cloth,” the singer continued. “I couldn’t hop around in that tail so I just stuck myself in a wheelchair.All I’ll say is that I… admire her and find her to be one of the most brilliant and incredible performers, so that’s all I’ll say,” she said.

And Gaga noted to Billy that she thinks Bette’s full run of Tweets may have been humorously minded.

“Maybe she was just joking too. She’s funny. Who knows?” Gaga said.

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