Saturday 23 July 2011

That idiot addict and ex Goddess is back at Rehab!

BORING who the hell cares about this nobody anyways? All she seems to be doing is fucking up her life and if I may say- her children's too...I mean watching Paris's show (which is shit by the way) It just shows how self involved she is and how she feels sorry for herself for being an addict. Get your shit together! you did this to your self so suffer the consequence or get help!!!

The Article about her here:
Reports that Brooke Mueller was off to Mexican rehab were half right. Charlie Sheen’s former wife is indeed in a residential treatment facility, but in the United States, so that she can remain near her two sons, reports say. Mueller had planned on going to Mexico specifically to undergo treatment with the controversial drug Ibogaine to stop her cravings for illegal drugs. Ibogaine, itself a hallucinogenic, is illegal in the U.S., so off to Mexico she went ... until she got thrown off the flight for belligerent behavior. Brooke Mueller then tried to board a second flight south of the border, but she wasn't allowed to board because she didn't have her passport on her..Sources close to Mueller say: "She was convinced that was a sign to not go to Mexico. Brooke [knew] Ibogaine is a very dangerous drug to take." So, instead, she entered an undisclosed inpatient treatment facility within the last 72 hours in the U.S. This way, Bob and Max will be close by. Will this time be the charm? "Brooke did several outpatient programs in the past six months, but she would quickly relapse," says the source. "Brooke realizes she had to check in for intense treatment."

I guess the good thing about being a celeb is that you can blame your SHIT and unjustified DIVA behaviour on drugs, papparazzi or fame. Fucking losers.

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